
The PATC/STS provides quality services and benefits to its cross-country skiing members while promoting and supporting the PATC and cross country skiing.

When you become a member, you receive all issues of the club’s newsletter UPSLOPE and other useful information. UPSLOPE is published three to five times a year by the PATC/Ski Touring Section, a non-profit, educational and recreational group of cross-country skiing enthusiasts based in the MD, DC, VA, PA and WV areas. UPSLOPE provides information about cross country skiing, STS trips, and events. You also may join our online and email discussion group.

One year membership runs from October 1st through September 30th of the next year. If you join in April or later, your one year membership will run through  September of the next year. To insure uninterrupted membership for more than one year, you may provide advance dues for up to three years. To join, you may pay electronically (preferred) through our website (see below).

To join, complete and submit the electronic membership form below.

As an alternative, you may also download the PDF, complete and mail in a paper version to: PATC-Ski Touring Section, c/o Doug Lesar,14 Bitterroot Ct, Rockville, MD 20853

Note: Red Asterisks * mean the field is required.

Membership Form

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New Membership OR Renewal
Membership Category
Do Not Share
Please do not share the checked items above. Email Group
PATC Member?
NOTE: PATC membership is required on STS excursion trips.
Would you like to volunteer?
Volunteer to help STS in any of the above areas, please check the box and you will be contacted:
Optional Donation
We run on donations and memberships.

PATC Ski Membership