New Photo Albums Posted to PATC-STS Website

Three new photo albums have been posted to the website from great, snowy ski trips this winter. First is a Blackwater Falls and White Grass trip in January. Next was a very snowy cabin trip to New Germany State Park in Maryland. We stayed in a circa-1933 log cabin that was the HQ for the CCC operating in what became New Germany State Park. Finally, a well-attended return to Lapland Lake Nordic Resort, near Northville, NY, in the southern Adirondacks required not one, but two full cabins. Eight of us stayed once again at the original Lapin farmhouse on the property, and five more occupied Tunturi Tupa (Finnish for cabin). Plenty of snow and excellent grooming on the resort’s 55 km of trails, plus a snow shoe adventure on the Northville-Lake Placid Trail. Enjoy photos and videos from all past trips at our Photo Gallery. Send a link to pictures of your ski adventures this winter to Web manager Ralph Heimlich and I’ll get your’s posted.