Ski Fair November 12, 2022 at PATC HQ

Rob Swennes at Bryce Canyon, UT

We WILL be having our traditional Ski Fair on Saturday, NOVEMBER 12 from 1 PM to 4 PM back at the PATC Headquarters (118 Park St, SE, Vienna, VA 22180) just off Rt 123.

The program will be a little less formal than in the past:

# YOU are the main attraction! Meet and greet fellow STS members that you haven’t been able to see IN PERSON for a long while.

# Signups for the season’s ski trips will be at tables throughout the room (bring your calendar, pen and check book to sign up for these trips on the spot).

# Refreshments consisting of food, wine, beer, and soft drinks will be provided, and YOUR potluck contributions of salads and desserts are appreciated.

#A ski gear swap area will be provided, so bring your old gear to sell or swap.

# Slide shows of past ski trips will be shown continuously on a screen in one corner of the room.

# There will be two educational presentations.

Read about the 2022-23 Ski Schedule in the upcoming November UPSLOPE or on our website here: and scroll down.