We WILL be having our traditional Ski Fair on Saturday, NOVEMBER 20 from 1 PM to 4 PM at the Arlington Aquatics Club (Overlee Community Association,6030 Lee Hwy, Arlington, VA 22205 ) on US Route 29. The venue is one large space, with wide doors that open both sides for cross ventilation. Because of the change in venue, the agenda for the Ski Fair will be somewhat different than in the past:
ß YOU are the main attraction! Meet and greet fellow STS members that you haven’t been able to see IN PERSON for a long while. Masks are required.
ß Signups for the season’s ski trips will be at tables throughout the room (bring your calendar, pen and check book to sign up for these trips on the spot).
ß Refreshments consisting of food, wine and beer will be provided, and YOUR potluck contributions of salads and desserts are appreciated.
ß A ski gear swap area will be provided, so bring your old gear to sell or swap.
ß Slide shows of past ski trips will be shown continuously on a screen in one corner of the room.
ß There will be NO educational presentations due to a lack of separate rooms for presentations.
Read about the 2021-22 Ski Schedule in the November UPSLOPE here.